Jonathan EliasNov 13, 20194 min readIndependent Contractor Tax Tips Being an independent contractor offers many benefits, including choosing work that best aligns with your interests and schedule. Many of...
Jonathan EliasSep 10, 20192 min readHow to receive $7,200 of grant money for your child's educationThe RESP (Registered Education Savings Plan) is an investment plan intended to help you build an education fund for a child. When the...
Jonathan EliasFeb 2, 20194 min readHow to save up to $223,679 in taxes when you sell your businessOne significant benefit of setting up a private business is to eventually sell the business. Although many business owners have no...
Jonathan EliasJan 6, 20192 min readWhat to do with accumulated cash in a business?One main objective of setting up a business is to earn profits. When cash flow is managed effectively, a common outcome for profitable...
Jonathan EliasSep 20, 20182 min readWhat is Cloud Accounting?Cloud accounting is a buzz phrase that is routinely used in the accounting world. Essentially, it refers to accounting software that...